Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gaudi and Gouda

Friday, July 15

Barcelona Day 3

Today we went to Parc Guell, the famous garden complex of Gaudi architecture.  Since we slept at Kayla's house last night, we didn't have anywhere to leave our bags.  So we brought all our stuff with us.  Which made getting to the park really fun, since this is the nature of the several blocks leading up to the entrance.

Since the whole point of the place is the view, here's a few pictures from inside the park


Entrance to the park

Visitor's center / gift shop

Just as we were about to find a place to make lunch, it started pouring rain.  So we went to the little playground down the path from the main entrance, shoved our bags under a slide, squeezed in to the most shelter-y shelter we could find, and made Gouda sandwiches with avocado and pesto.  And beer.  Of course

Tobi, in our little home for the afternoon.

Slicing cheese

And drinking beer.

This is Gaudi, but it's not in the park.  
It's the Casa Batllo, which we visited 
after leaving parc Guell.  In a stroke of 
good luck, we found a hostel right near
this place, and are staying there tonight.

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